Sunday, September 18, 2016

Leadership Challenge #3

LdC Template

Module 5 Ldc reflection on provocative question #3

Provocative Question #3 (LdC)
How can I positively influence my CoP through participation in “broader configurations of networks”?

When I think of networks, I think of communities of learning, that is networked learning. I use CoPs as a way to learn from others and open my eyes to different possibilities. It also allows for the sharing of resources that would not have occurred previously. Networks and CoPs are not necessarily one in the same, but networks may give us something that CoPs cannot. Diversity. This is necessary for that expansion of worlds, see how we relate to one another. When I participate in larger networks, I am able to help drive the community and conversations forward. I cannot just attend or be a wallflower in the CoPs since that does not positively influence, but more so will inhibit the flow of ideas.

Reflect on module 3 LdC Step 1 – Prepare for an online conversation

Copy and paste the matrix of quotes/ideas that you developed for the Module 5 LdC Provocative Question #3 and upon which you implemented your Leadership Challenge (LdC).

Quote/ideas from the book; applications/instances from your workplace setting
Page number
 Participation as both action and connection - need to have both to have participation
page 55 
Reification - to treat (an abstraction) as substantially existing, or a concrete material object - relating back to networks, not necessarily CoPs (broader than CoPs)
 page 58
Leadership hierarchies can inhibit the process and benefits of CoPs 
pages 261-262 
 Ownership of meaning - making the meaning/object an extension of ourselves - leading to leadership
page 200 
This example is more for this upcoming week. I am meeting with a couple of students to try to get them to have more ownership over their work, to keep them engaged in the class. They are freshman and have not met deadlines on a consistent basis or attend class most days. I am wanting to talk to them to see what is going on and to see if there are ways to get them connected with other students, their peers in the program, to help keep them motivated.
 The Public Health Student Association met a couple of weeks ago and they are planning their first event. (I am the faculty advisor.) I am working with them on ways to promote the public health messages important to them and how to bring in speakers that will help expose them to new ideas around public health (participation as action and connection).

Reflect on module 3 LdC Step 2 – hold an online conversation

Copy and paste your notes from your on-line conversation from Module 5 LdC and upon which you implemented your Leadership Challenge (LdC).
p 234 - in process of learning, community must have access to other practices. William reached out to an economist for part of his leadership challenge, having input from outside the CoP is helpful to address PoP fully; "Professional Tunnel Vision" - we get stuck in our practices and do not look outside for expertise which could be helpful, including outside voices, add to community discourse

p 234 - every practice is hostage to its own past. She reached out to other types of schools to see if they're seeing the same concerns as she sees, including those within her school for those new to the school. Satisfaction of life - other mental health areas; focus on locus of control. They are seeing it...what are they doing to move people into a new frame of thought, keeping them focused and moving forward. If we stay in the same place as where we have been, we are not going to move forward (move beyond what we have always done)

p 256 - carefully managing prevent the deepening of communities from evolving into fractioning - new opportunities for learning instead, interdepartmental conversations, talk to others who still have stakes (stakeholders) in the community. His goal is to connect the trainers with their clients...different discussions on training and education, realize that our learning and development is more than our little box

p 245 - institution of practice cannot merge because they are different entities, relation between them are negotiating alignment, must constantly be changed and negotiated. He has worked with the college institution and corporate institution. How to streamline all of these things and process them of his team in a start up environment, how do you not stress people out by overwhelming people. We have to look at the desired outcome and work on how to do that (the steps and processes), keeping the people in mind who are carrying it out

p 276 - important function of educational design is to maximize rather than avoid corrections among generations that interlock histories. Taking what is already there and embracing it and giving it its due justice. Embrace the previous generations, understand but also embrace the other layers that are involved in our CoP (the other broader configurations, networks) and what they bring to the table

How to keep the "us" and "them" out of the conversation

Being more intentional for our processes rather than just the outcome (the goal). How to work together intentionally and work together

Reflect on module 5 LDC Step 3 – determine your leadership challenge

Expand your social network to include knowledgeable individuals beyond your workplace setting. Find 10-3 others not in your institution, who have a similar problem as yours. Establish a dialogue with them whereby you compare situations and learn from one another's experiences.
Submit the channel you used to connect (Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Alerts, discussion boards, email, phone call, etc.), who you connected with (a group or individuals), and a summary of your interactions thus far.
I have emailed three people each from a different institute. I have not heard anything back from them (yet). I have established contact with them previously through AzPHA and know that they are active members within academia and public health in Arizona.
Kim Bentley - Central Arizona College, Faculty
Kim Barnes - University of Arizona, Faculty
Holly Orozco - Director of Public Health Programs

Update 09/20/2016: I have heard back from two of the people I reached out to. Kim Barnes asked for more information as far as what I am researching. Holly Orozco did as well and offered some things to think about as I approach the topic. In particular, making sure that I keep my research on novel ideas to improve the body of research. I was a bit shocked in one way because she asked what SES stood for. This is something I was not expected since she has been working on public health for many years and this is a very common term. Then again, it was a good learning experience not to assume that others are familiar with the same things. Assumptions is how you can get into trouble with communication (or the lack thereof!).

Update 09/26/2016: I have heard back from everyone now. We started some preliminary discussion about perceived concerns for students and retention. I did have some difficulty with one person as every time someone put forth and idea, this person kept knocking everyone down, stating that their idea was fine but could be better. The environment has turned negative.  


Reflect on module 5 ldc Step 4 – assess and reflect on your leadership challenge

Some prompts to help the juices flow, but it is not mandatory that you use any/all of these:

·         Was your behavioral change supported by CoP theory? Explain.

·         Was this change really a challenge for you? Why?  (cont. next page)

·         Did you “Lean In” for this challenge? How far? Could you have leaned further? If so, why did you hold back?

·         Did your behavioral change trigger changes in response from others? Was it a positive or a negative response? Why do you think this is so?

·         What do you think would happen if you sustained this behavioral change over time? Why do you think this is so?

·         What would Wenger say?


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